About Me

"Don’t Let anyone change who you are."

Everyone would always compliment my breathtaking smiles and bright eyes that just lit the atmosphere.  I was happy about everything and it shows in my interaction with others because I rarely get offended or show any feelings of disappointment by any mean, rude, smart comments made by others.  I was instilled with enough confidence to know that people will take my kindness for weakness; I will not be liked by many; and there are people who work relentlessly to burst my bubbles.  Despite the imperfect world that we live in, I force myself to believe that everyone is entitled to get the benefit without any doubt and a second chance is also imminent.

I also strongly believed in Love that I would be swept off my feet by Prince charming when he comes along.  Yes, I did believe Disney’s fairytales, watching them all from Cinderella to Snow White.  For the ones that I wasn’t able to VHS, I searched for books just to immerse myself in the fantasy of finding Love.  I was so brainwashed by this indelible dream that when I was been pursued, I thought that their act of Love was premature and doesn’t fit the ideals that I have set for myself.

Putting my beauty aside, I have attracted the attention of many because of my intellectual capabilities.  Everyone become at ease and can relate to someone who can have a meeting of the mind.  I am aware that I am not that bad to the eye but didn’t consider myself a sex symbol of any sort.  Likewise, I would not glue my attention to physiques but I am big on cleanliness, neatness, self-control and respect.
At some point in time, we all ask/want/need a big 'break' but who have really put thought to the dynamics; in order to get a break, you must be 'broken?'  Sometimes you also have to be ‘broken in’ as well.  My journey to health and fitness was on onset by a mix of emotional discontent, hereditary family traits, and lifestyle changes. 

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