Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day #6 thru Day #12- get in the groove

Taking this whole exercise and dieting at a much slower pace than I had anticipated does have some benefits because I have gradually developed the momentum and persistence in achieving my goals.  Each day I so look forward to God’s grace and the will that was given to me to succeed.  It’s no longer about impressing anyone or driven to prove anything but a simple desire to exercise my human capabilities while polishing the tone for discipline and structure.  In everything that we do we need order and structure to see things run smoothly and acquiring some longevity.  Along with patience I also practice humility in hopes of perfecting God’s will for my life, therefore, I look to him for all my requests and he does supply all my needs.  Bear in mind that this transformation is a combined package: mind, body and spirit.  We need the perfect equilibrium to sustain good health and it is necessary to wean off any obstacle that may threaten our progress.  Thus far, I have been doing my stretches to prevent any injuries and unnecessary aches and pains; I have also been doing some pushups, sit-ups, crunches, squats, and lunges.  Dare to inspire yourselves with some the following suggestive moves:

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