Saturday, November 10, 2012

Cleansing from the inside out

I have always challenged myself to living a healthy life where I attempted weight loss, improved eating habits and lifestyle changes but I can truly say that it all had been a temporal change.  I was never able to commit myself fully to exercising and dieting but recently I have stepped it up a notch because I yearn for results that will be permanent.  I am no longer waiting to be inspired by health and fitness blogs, statuses and updates; I have rather focused my attention inward.

Over the years, I have sought spirituality with hopes of experiencing miraculous changes and overnight success but my present circumstances have directed me down a more profound path.  Now, all my goals and aspirations seek weight and strength from my inner being.  It took more than two decades for me to realize that we live in a world where everything is in constant motion and we are plagued by uncertainity and a false sense of security that only guarantees the permanence of obstacles.  There will always be obstacles so don’t be misconstrued but as long as one acknowledge the power that dwells on the inside and where this force is generated from, which is from the highest being (power), you have locked in to the greatest deal of a lifetime.  There is no need to exercise anxiety and fear because all is needed is encouragement of all that lies ahead and hopes to hear when God speaks to your heart.  


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