Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day #4- Fuel up

Today was just beautiful.  56 degrees in mid Fall is gorgeous!  Say what?  Are you kidding me?  I noticed that I wasn’t the only one enjoying this mild weather because there were people out in shorts and tank tops.  I thought they were outright crazy but then I recalled more than four years ago at the Santa run event downtown, NYC.  It is a yearly event where people compete in a race dressed in Santa outfits.  The big red and white suit and hat along with the white beard, however, there was a guy who dunned his birth suit with only a red, velvety drawers, his hat and long beard; in the heart of winter that is.

It was just too warm out to stay inside all day so I decided to kill two birds with one stone; so I have decided to walk 0.7 miles to the supermarket to buy groceries.  I got my veggies, frozen fruits (fresh fruits are not so fresh this time of the season), and proteins (fish, cheese, yogurt, nuts & fat-free milk).  Doesn’t sound like much right?  To my disbelief I packed 1 large & 2 medium-sized reusable shopping bags, accompanied by a small box with my eggs, a carton of milk and a case of mushrooms.

In weight, I had approximately 10-15 lbs. on each shoulder then the other bag was dangling from my arm while I curled my arms to carry the box.  This was my weight & strength training and cardio was a 1.4 miles brisk walk.  About half the distance I was sweating like a pig and my arms began to hurt.  Oh yes I did my workout indeed for the day.  Water intake is increasing at a steady pace and my clothes already starting to fit a bit loose.  I firmly believe that I am making baby steps now to make a giant leap later on my journey to health, beauty & fitness.

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