Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day #6 thru Day #12- get in the groove

Taking this whole exercise and dieting at a much slower pace than I had anticipated does have some benefits because I have gradually developed the momentum and persistence in achieving my goals.  Each day I so look forward to God’s grace and the will that was given to me to succeed.  It’s no longer about impressing anyone or driven to prove anything but a simple desire to exercise my human capabilities while polishing the tone for discipline and structure.  In everything that we do we need order and structure to see things run smoothly and acquiring some longevity.  Along with patience I also practice humility in hopes of perfecting God’s will for my life, therefore, I look to him for all my requests and he does supply all my needs.  Bear in mind that this transformation is a combined package: mind, body and spirit.  We need the perfect equilibrium to sustain good health and it is necessary to wean off any obstacle that may threaten our progress.  Thus far, I have been doing my stretches to prevent any injuries and unnecessary aches and pains; I have also been doing some pushups, sit-ups, crunches, squats, and lunges.  Dare to inspire yourselves with some the following suggestive moves:

Day #5 - stretch it out

It’s a rainy night in Georgia, I feel like it’s raining all over the world…da-da-dada.  One of my faves from Mr. Brook Benton The only thing is its 49 degrees, very mild day with on and off drizzle all morning.  I guess the elements are working against my progress or am I just coming up with the most logical excuses?  I know I sound like I’m finding too much comfort.  So looking forward to go for a run but the rain keeps making promising threats.  Seriously, I really want to exercise and get fit but I’m not looking forward to getting sick (cold) from running in the rain.  Well all hope is not lost, there is a solution; I’ll just do some stretches and indoor exercises.  I need to get my strength training going anyway.  Check out the following suggestive moves to achieve safe stretches for warming up and cooling down, respctively.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day #4- Fuel up

Today was just beautiful.  56 degrees in mid Fall is gorgeous!  Say what?  Are you kidding me?  I noticed that I wasn’t the only one enjoying this mild weather because there were people out in shorts and tank tops.  I thought they were outright crazy but then I recalled more than four years ago at the Santa run event downtown, NYC.  It is a yearly event where people compete in a race dressed in Santa outfits.  The big red and white suit and hat along with the white beard, however, there was a guy who dunned his birth suit with only a red, velvety drawers, his hat and long beard; in the heart of winter that is.

It was just too warm out to stay inside all day so I decided to kill two birds with one stone; so I have decided to walk 0.7 miles to the supermarket to buy groceries.  I got my veggies, frozen fruits (fresh fruits are not so fresh this time of the season), and proteins (fish, cheese, yogurt, nuts & fat-free milk).  Doesn’t sound like much right?  To my disbelief I packed 1 large & 2 medium-sized reusable shopping bags, accompanied by a small box with my eggs, a carton of milk and a case of mushrooms.

In weight, I had approximately 10-15 lbs. on each shoulder then the other bag was dangling from my arm while I curled my arms to carry the box.  This was my weight & strength training and cardio was a 1.4 miles brisk walk.  About half the distance I was sweating like a pig and my arms began to hurt.  Oh yes I did my workout indeed for the day.  Water intake is increasing at a steady pace and my clothes already starting to fit a bit loose.  I firmly believe that I am making baby steps now to make a giant leap later on my journey to health, beauty & fitness.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day #3- Easy does it

Started the day with a light walk and it was so refreshing.  Afterwards, I had breakfast- two hardboiled egg whites, 1 cup cooked spiced oatmeal and a tall glass of water.  Throughout the day I tried to increase my water intake to four bottles; only 4 more to reach my goal of 8 bottles daily.  Had a light snack of 2 Graham Crackers and more water.  For dinner, it was steamed cabbage, broiled chicken and less than a cup of potato salad.  For dessert, a thin slice of plain cake with pineapple coconut frosting was an awesome treat for all the hard work I have put in .  Then a bowl of Italian Styled Wedding Soup, which is a blend of baby spinach, carrots, sage, tortellini, and delicious miniature meatballs topped it off for the day. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mind, Body & Spirit

My first day on this dare, challenge or journey has been far from easy.  I didn’t want to jump very quickly into a routine of dieting and a series of exercise before I get my mind right.  On the many failed attempts in the past, I have realized that this endeavor is a mix in balancing the mind, body and spirit.  When you start to diet to speed up metabolism and exercise to amp it all up, there is not much momentum left to keep you going without the right spirit.  Bear in mind that you cannot hide that large muffin top, huge arms (with bat wings), swollen ankles, and intense sensation in the joints from a very small frame supporting more weight than it should be; there is a need for more conviction.  You see, aches and pains send messages of trauma to the brain, which can deter the focus of achieving your goals and lucrative results; however, a driven spirit will overcome exhaustion and the various mood swings that can roar its ugly head.

I started with a fast that lasted more than 12 hours; not that I was impressed because I had intended to do a 3-day fast with just water to spare but I overcame the disappointment with a little meditation that coincide with the fasting.  There has to be a direct connection with the higher power and this is done in quietness and privacy.  I refer to my me time with God as praying while others call it meditation.  By the end of the day, I had enormous strength and will power but my weaken body gave out on me just hours before with slight headaches.  Resorting to my portioned intakes along with the adequate amount of water throughout the day, I was hyped to start day #3; and more than ready to retire to a good night’s sleep.  ZZZzzzzzzzz!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Cleansing from the inside out

I have always challenged myself to living a healthy life where I attempted weight loss, improved eating habits and lifestyle changes but I can truly say that it all had been a temporal change.  I was never able to commit myself fully to exercising and dieting but recently I have stepped it up a notch because I yearn for results that will be permanent.  I am no longer waiting to be inspired by health and fitness blogs, statuses and updates; I have rather focused my attention inward.

Over the years, I have sought spirituality with hopes of experiencing miraculous changes and overnight success but my present circumstances have directed me down a more profound path.  Now, all my goals and aspirations seek weight and strength from my inner being.  It took more than two decades for me to realize that we live in a world where everything is in constant motion and we are plagued by uncertainity and a false sense of security that only guarantees the permanence of obstacles.  There will always be obstacles so don’t be misconstrued but as long as one acknowledge the power that dwells on the inside and where this force is generated from, which is from the highest being (power), you have locked in to the greatest deal of a lifetime.  There is no need to exercise anxiety and fear because all is needed is encouragement of all that lies ahead and hopes to hear when God speaks to your heart.  


‘I am’ - My New Year’s Resolution 2013

I am Wendy Marie Williams, the child of a King
I am beautiful, strong and enthusiastic about Life
I am a proud daughter who is very fortunate to have a caring Mom & Dad, who loves me,
I am a bold sister (the one & only), who grew up in the arms of four brothers,
I am a fearless wife, who is determined to beat the odds of relationship mumble jumble,
I am destined to be the best mother to my two precious younglings
I am a best friend who is trustworthy, gentle and kind
I am a woman of enormous strength, courage, peace and love
I am ambitious with many thoughts, hopes, dreams and aspirations
Of someday touching lives, warming hearts, and gifting to those who are needy.
I am a self motivator; standing firm in all my beliefs and finding a sense of purpose
I am the world’s greatest student because I choose to learn from all past mistakes